Learning Euchre

There was supposedly an Euchre tournament in my office yerterday. I signed up for it, but apparantly I was the only one who didn't know how to play Euchre. During the lunch time, three of my co-workers gave me a crash course of Euchre.

After an hour, I pretty much knew how to play and some simple strategies, though I had to play it slowly. While I was looking forward to use what I've learned at the tournament, the tournament was cancelled and postponed to next week.

They said Euchre was a popular card game in the Mid-West, how come I've never heard of it in Iowa before?

Anyway, this is probably one of the most interesting and fun things I've learned at work since I started working. :)


Christen said...

ha because Euchre is only played by old people! My grandparents played it and they tried to teach me when I was a kid and we would spend weeks with them in the middle of nowhere NW Missouri...