Transformers and the Motor City

I watched the Transformers on Tuesday night. Towards the end, there was a scene when Sam was running into an old, ruined building. I immediately recognized that was the Michigan Central Station. (Yay, Transformers and the motor city, that's a good match :)). I've never been to the station as it was closed in 1988. I've only seen some pictures on the web.

Two weeks ago, I visited the Grand Central Station in NYC. While taking some pictures in the station, I thought, " if Detroit was still as vibrant as in 1920s, the Detroit Central Station may look as gorgeous as the NY Grand Central Station."
And I found out these two stations were designed by the same architect yesterday.

So here's my self-discovery- actually I'm quite interested into the old, historical buildings, especially the Art Deco and Beaux-Arts Classical style. Maybe when I'm done with all the actuarial exams, I might take some urban planning classes.