Happy Me Birthday Party/ Quarter-life Potluck

Here's the Happy Me Birthday Party Details:

When: Next Saturday (3/31), 6pm
Where: My place
What to bring: Bring a dish to share, feel free to bring something to drink. We have OJ, Soy Milk and Limeade in the fridge.

You can also bring a "special" friend/lover/date with you.

We are planning to play the DDR, the Pictionary or the Catch Phrase or Cranium after dinner. (I haven't bought those board games yet, so feel free to tell me any suggestions).

Oh, you don't have to buy me a birthday present, just showing up at my party is wonderful enough. ;) However, if you've already bought a gift to me, I'd be more than happy to receive it. :)

Thanks, and hope to see you at the party!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!!