Question to a Perpetual Exam-taker

Q: I don't understand why people decided not to be an actuary after they finished taking all the exams...

A: You really want to know why and let me tell you this, the best hidden secret- people take the actuarial exams so that they can defer getting a life or getting in shape (don't confuse with getting a deferred life annuity).

Think about it, what a good excuse when you can tell people,"I've been taking the actuarial exams all these years and that's why I'm single/over-weight/not a home-owner etc." In fact, I think they should have set up more exams to be an actuary.

I know it sounds cliche- it's really about the journey, not the destination! Now that I'm' going to finish my actuarial exams (both SOA and CAS ones) soon, I need to start looking into taking CFA exams, CPA exams or part-time MBA classes now...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they need to start a support group 'exams-a-holic' anon.

I guess I'm slightly scared by this post - having only done 2 exams, I hope I don't get addicted by the end!

Y said...

Hm...a support group, like a Exam-aholic Anonymous?

Oh, please don't be scared by a satire. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting question, please tell me if this group starts their operation


Anonymous said...

Why not consider CERA?